Artist Names, names, names, names.

Theme, More info???

I’m just adding a bunch of sections so y’all can see the different blocks we can work with.

Descriptions etc???


There could be a photo or drawing in this space if you wanted? More text? Something else entirely? Creativity!!!


Maybe Title?

More info?
The photo can be the gallery wall here?


I’m going to list out a bunch of gallery options below. There are some that allow you to add text easily and some that don’t! But we can find a way to make anything work that you’re envisioning. :)


You could put text here etc.


There’s also some room to write here if you wanted

Or maybe here here here here here


You can also add space before

or add space after text too

There’s also an option to add captions to photos

There’s also an option to add captions to photos

You could also put text here

Artist Name, Title, Year. More info etc

Artist Name, Title, Year.
More info etc


Another Example